2015年11月12日 星期四

【運動】殘疾男挑戰輪椅後空翻 背後的原因超勵志

20151112 08:29 中時電子報 影音中心

據美國《赫芬頓郵報》報導,美國23歲的殘疾青年亞倫•佛斯靈漢姆(Aaron Fotheringham)在自己的輪椅上完成高難度的連續兩次後空翻動作,外號「車輪」的他讓人們看到了他頑強的毅力。



Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham, Wheelchair Freestyler, Is Defying The Odds.. And Gravity (VIDEO)

Posted: 11/21/2013 4:10 pm EST Updated: 11/22/2013 3:04 am EST

When Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham misses a landing and crashes, he asks himself one question: "Is this wheel life?"

The 21-year-old wheelchair motocross athlete has quite a sense of humor, which he showcases perfectly in the extreme video above.
Fotheringham, from Las Vegas, was born with spina bifida, according to his website. But he's never let his condition slow him down.

He's competed in BMX freestyle events, and he's also one of the star athletes at the action sports show Nitro Circus Live. He thrills fans with his double backflip, a move that he was the first to pull off amongst wheelchair athletes, according to the Telegraph.

"Aaron has a passion for what he does -- not only is it fun, but he wants to change the world's perception of people in wheelchairs," his website states, "as well as helping everyone see his/her own challenges in a new way."

身障關鍵字[林志玲被設局]標籤 殘疾 挑戰 輪椅 原因 勵志

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